Chicago DUI Arrest Lawyer

Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is against the law in the City of Chicago and throughout the State of Illinois. Because DUI is a significant criminal offense, "Illinois Codified Statute 625 ILCS 501(a)(1)" you will be charged and tried in a criminal court of law. Additionally, the Secretary of State of Illinois may immediately move to suspend your Illinois Drivers License for a minimum of six months or could actually revoke your Drivers License for years or in extreme cases for the rest of your life. Furthermore, If convicted, you will face a criminal conviction on your record along with some very harsh penalties such as jail time, or significant community service, or, S.W.A.P short for, "sherriff work alternative program", here you are cleaning streets or court houses under police guard- not fun, along with very costly fines and heavy court cost, generally, at a minimum from $3500.00 to $5300.00 dollars in Cook, Dupage and especially, Lake county.
You will also face administrative actions involving the validity of your driver's license. Because all of these consequences have the potential to negatively impact your life, it is important that you contact a Chicago DUI Attorney immediately following your arrest for driving under the influence. While no chicago dui lawyer can guarantee that he or she can win your case, having the benefit of specialized legal counsel can give you the best chance for mitigating the severity of these consequences including a possible conviction.

When you are arrested for driving under the influence, you are given a notice that directs you to appear in a court of law. This court appearance is generally known as the arraignment or your initial appearance before the court to file any petitions and or motions and to request discovery. Cook, Lake, and Dupage are slightly different.
If you have been arrested for Dui, now is a good time to have a DUI attorney who has worked Dui Cases in almost every major Chicago Area Court House in Cook, Dupage and Lake County, Illinois, to be at your side, these courts include; the Skokie court, the Rolling Meadows court, the Maybrook court, the Bridgeview court, the court at 26th and California, the Daley Center traffic court, the Waukegan Court House in Lake County, Il., as well as the Dupage County Court House in Dupage County in Wheaton,Il. At your initial appearance or arraignment, you may be required to enter a plea. Most people using the services of a DUI attorney plead not guilty and schedule their cases for pre-trial conferences or status calls. At a minimum, a plea of not guilty along with a request for discovery is warranted. Choosing further action will depend on strategy, evidence, scientific or otherwise that is being presented in your case. Sometimes, we will need more time to gather information or to bring different arguments to the state or Judge. Often times a series of meetings with the court and or prosecutors must take place to arrive at a satisfactory outcome for the cliient. Sometimes the evidence is so weak that a trial is in order.
After our initial appearance and or arraignment, your case will progress to a pretrial conference. This will give you and your attorney the chance to meet with the prosecutor in your case, review settlement possibilities, and consider any plea bargain offers the prosecutor may extend. Because the courts often have many cases to deal with you may have more than one pretrial conference. Strategy may include having several pretrial conferences to allow more time to investigate your case and gather evidence and or facts that may be very helpful in your defense.Often times attorneys may also file several motions in court requesting the court to order a specific action. You may try to suppress the evidence in the case or compel the prosecutor to turn over any additional information that will be used in your case. If the prosecutor in your case offers a plea bargain, an attorney must inform you about the plea bargain and let you know the benefits and drawbacks of accepting an agreement. If you accept a plea bargain, your case will end with you having to comply with all of the conditions of the plea bargain.
If you do not accept the please bargain, your trial will proceed and the prosecutor will try to prove your guilt. You may be prosecuted in one of two ways. One is where the prosecutor tries to prove your guilt by showing that you were under the influence of alcohol and drugs and that this impaired you to a level where you could not safely operate your vehicle. The other, by showing that your blood alcohol concentration level was 0
