Truck driver from Melbourne freeway crash hit with multiple charges over police deaths | ABC News

The four officers had been standing in the emergency lane of the freeway as they prepared to impound the Porsche 911, which was being driven by 41-year-old Melbourne mortgage broker Richard Pusey.

Police allege Mr Pusey was driving at 149 kilometres per hour when they made the decision to pull him over.

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton said on Thursday that the truck appeared to have moved from the right-most lane of the freeway to the emergency lane shortly before it hit the officers while travelling at 100 kph.

A 47-year-old truck driver has been charged with four counts of culpable driving causing death

Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Senior Constable Kevin King, Constable Glen Humphris and Constable Josh Prestney died when the truck crashed into them about 5:30pm on Wednesday after they had intercepted a Porsche on Melbourne's Eastern Freeway at Kew.
