Arkansas Drunk Driving BAC Related Deaths

Implied Consent is a factor in DUI for some states
Delaware has an "implied consent" law. That means if you drive in Delaware and are suspected of DUI, you voluntarily agree to a chemical test to determine the degree of impairment. Failure to take the test carries a penalty of loss of license and/or driving privileges for a period of one year for a 1st offense, 18 months for a 2nd offense and 24 months for the 3rd subsequent offense, in addition to the penalties for DUI.

Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, or "drunk driving," in Arkansas is by far the most commonly encountered offense in the courts today. In 2002, it is estimated that nearly 17,500 people were killed in automobile collisions involving alcohol. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), this represents 41 percent of the 42,815 people killed in all traffic accidents and crashes that year.

Motor Vehicle Fatalities Involving High Blood Alcohol Concentration in Arkansas

Total fatalities 1995 631
Fatalities involving high blood alcohol 148
Percent 23
Total fatalities 2000 652
Fatalities involving high blood alcohol 139
Percent 21

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, Traffic Safety Facts 2000:

Defending against a charge of drunk driving in Arkansas is tricky business. A Arkansas DUI defense attorney needs to understand scientific and medical concepts, and must be able to question tough witnesses including scientists and police officers.

If you want to fight your drinking and driving charge in Arkansas, you're well advised to hire an attorney who specializes in these types of cases. They may be able to get you off the hook, or lessen the fine or punishment imposed.

The laws concerning "drunk driving" have changed radically over recent years. A person arrested today for driving under the influence of alcohol ("DUI", also referred to as "DWI" or driving while intoxicated) faces complicated criminal procedures and a potentially devastating punishment that can be more severe than a penalty handed down in a felony case.

An experienced attorney who specializes in blood alcohol analysis and drunk driving cases can effectively handle criminal and administrative proceedings. It is an unfortunate fact, however, that many general practitioners or general criminal attorneys attempt to represent clients with little or no training or experience in this very complex field and the results are disastrous.

Drunk Driving Punishments

The punishment in drunk driving cases is set forth by state statute and can be incredibly complex. The basic statute determines the range of possible sentences, with modifications for such things as:
Having a prior conviction within seven years
Speeding 20 mph over the limit
Having a child under 14 in the car
Having a blood alcohol content reading over .20%
Refusing to submit to chemical testing

Within the range, the actual sentence in a drunk driving case will be affected by:
The facts of the case
Any policies of the local court and prosecutors
The weaknesses in the case uncovered by the defense attorney
The reputation of that attorney
All of this is independent of a DMV suspension, which is determined separately and which can be very complicated.

Contact a DUI Lawyer in Arkansas now!

Arkansas Audio & Video

DUI Not Grounds for Deportation, High Court Rules
Audio, RM, 44 Kbps, 3:33, 11/9/2004
The Supreme Court rules that driving under the influence is not a crime of violence that can occasion deportation, finding unanimously that the law requires that the defendant showed intent to injure.
Source: National Public Radio

Arkansas External Sites

Of all causes/factors involved in highway deaths, alcohol/drunk driving ranks as the ... --to the Governors of Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, I
GAAPS Transcript: Day 1
That legislation reduced the human toll that drinking and driving that has been ... drunk-driving standard, another measure that I personally support
