Before and After

Twenty-four-year-old Jacqueline Saburido puts a face on the problem of drunk driving - a haunting face with no nose, no hair, and no ears. Her gripping story is the centerpiece of a comprehensive anti-impaired driving campaign developed by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) targeting underage drinkers, college students and young adults. People throughout the world are saying "Before and After" is one of the most powerful campaigns ever developed to call attention to the consequences of drunk driving.

Charles John Mcaleer
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Nov 08, 2013
• #1 driving under influence of drugs traffic offense
Mcaleer Charles - Teller County, CO
Rebecca Lee Mcallister
Arrest Age 30
Manitou Springs, Teller, CO
Arrested Sep 02, 2013
• #1 dui or dwai
• #2 traffic offense
• #3 child abuse
• #4 possession drug paraphenalia
Mcallister Rebecca - Teller County, CO
Christopher Neil Mccauley
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 49
Aurora, Teller, CO
Arrested Jun 29, 2014
• #1 dui
• #2 vehicular eluding
• #3 open container in vehicle only (maijuana)
• #4 deac
Trevor Mcclurg
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 32
Colorado Springs, Teller, CO
Arrested Nov 06, 2016
• #1 dui or dwai
• #2 resisting arrest
• #3 obstructing police or fireman
Mcclurg Trevor - Teller County, CO
Patricia Sue Mcconnell
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 54
Florissant, Teller, CO
Arrested Dec 19, 2013
• #1 dui per se or deac
• #2 dui per se or deac
Mcconnell Patricia - Teller County, CO
Patricia Sue Mcconnell
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 58
Arrested Mar 27, 2017
• #1 dui or dwai
• #2 dui per se or deac
• #3 weaving in traffic
Mcconnell Patricia - Teller County, CO
Lori Jean Mccorkle
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 51
Florissant, Teller, CO
Arrested Mar 04, 2014
• #1 failure to appear
• #2 driving without license
Mccorkle Lori - Teller County, CO
Lori Jean Mccorkle
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 53
Florissant, Teller, CO
Arrested Sep 18, 2015
• #1 driving without license
• #2 traffic offense
