Drunk Driving Lawyers

DUI Lawyer Locator, a one stop source for DUI/DWI legal representation.

Drunk driving, DUI, DWI and Drunk Driving Defense are common words in our every day speech here in the US. The term drunk driving has many official names including, DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), DUII (Driving under the Influence of Intoxicants), OMVI (Operating Motor Vehicle Intoxicated), and OUI (Operation under the Influence), and other acronyms OWI, DUIL, DWUI.
Duilawyerlocator.com provides a safe and user-friendly atmosphere to contact legal representation, view lawyer / firm profile, and find the exact lawyer for your case.

Drunk Driving / DUI Charges often carry severe penalties. Hiring a qualified DUI/ Drunk Driving lawyer to defend you during this time will help you get through your case quickly.

The defendant charged with DUI may face the immediate loss of driving privileges, vehicle impoundment, fines, house arrest, local incarceration, and prison time.

Drunk Driving Lawyers in this Legal Directory of Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers are currently accepting new clientele.

“The man who represents himself, has a fool for a client”. - Thomas Jefferson.

** Our legal listings are based on the criteria of one attorney per 50,000 county residents

Alabama DUI Alaska DWI Arizona DUI Arkansas DWI California DUI
Colorado DUI Connecticut DUI D.C. DWI Delaware DUI Florida DUI
Georgia DUI Hawaii DUI Idaho DUI Illinois DUI Indiana OWI
Iowa OWI Kansas DUI Kentucky DUI Louisiana DWI Maine OUI
Maryland DUI Massachusetts OUI / DUI Michigan DUI Minnesota DWI Mississippi DUI
Missouri DWI Montana DUI Nebraska DWI Nevada DUI New Hampshire DUI
New Jersey DWI New Mexico DUI New York DWI North Carolina DWI North Dakota DUI
Ohio OVI Oklahoma DUI Oregon DUI Pennsylvania DUI / DAI Rhode Island DUI
South Carolina DUI South Dakota DUI Tennessee DUI Texas DWI Utah DUI
Vermont DUI Virginia DUI Washington DUI West Virginia DUI Wisconsin OWI
