Denzel Morandin 'I was meant to die in that car': Townsville man's warning after horror drink driving crash


A young man who narrowly avoided death after drink driving is speaking out to those who may be considering making the same mistake.

Denzel Morandin said he was "in a bad spot" when he made the conscious decision to drive home after he "took it a bit too far" having beers at a mate's place on November 20 last year.

His mates had called a taxi for him but in a drunken rage he decided he could "get home quicker", as he chose to take the keys and get behind the wheel.

"If I knew recovery would be like this, I would have never have (sic) done it," he said in a new campaign to stop people drink driving at Schoolies.

"I would not be able to watch someone go through the pain I went through; I would not even wish it on my worst enemy.

"I could've just taken that taxi home, but I decided to drive and now look at me... I was not thinking properly."

On the way home, Mr Morandin crashed his car while travelling 40km/h over the speed limit, and had a blood-alcohol level reading of 0.188.


Heidi Alexander, Samuel Gonzalez, Gwendolyn Robinson, William Ross, Peter McGee, Chris Wood, Julie Moore, Adam Kelly, Joseph Abbott, Jane Berry, Edith Perry, Aaron Martin, Barry Johnston, Beatrice Long, Betty Brady, Eddie McCoy, Lewis Johnson, Gertrude Mack, Christine Roberts, Frank Hernandez, Debbie Wright, Ida Morales, Ross Holland, Keith Saunders, Robert Cortez, Gail Watson, Judy Mitchell, Doris Smith, Perry Jackson, George Graham, Elizabeth Alvarez, Darlene Wilson, Daniel Hudson, David Baker, Robert Robinson, Richard Hall, Steven Young, Dorothy Harper, Robert Rogers, Hazel White, Brandy Brown, Jennifer Phillips, Terry Smith, Amber Cook, Lisa Hernandez, Anna Brown, Ronald Alexander, Mary Collier, Karl Wilson, Alice Roberts, Mae Stevens, Jerry Cannon, Lance Henderson, Ida Bell, Kathleen Simon, Timothy Holt, Theresa Brown, Joseph Coleman, Samantha Robinson, Brian Weaver, Christopher Frazier, Andrea Johnson, Arthur Davis, Troy Allen, Jeremy Cook, Barbara Johnson, Luis Hudson, James Walker, Billy Powell, Juan Wallace, Tyrone Smith, Jennifer Rodgers, James Turner, Scott Young, Steven Daniels, Betty Martinez, Andrew Ramos, Mary Barnes, Mary Watson, Bobbie Black, Jerry Bennett, Michael Arnold, Tiffany Richardson, Steven Perez, John Holmes, William Hayes, Dorothy Jackson, Christopher Harris, Jonathan Taylor, Walter Webster, Carolyn Kelly, Sylvia Burns, Timothy Boyd, Donald Hawkins, Charlotte Austin, Jeffrey Stevens, Andre Schmidt, Stephen Jones, Jamie Black, George Henderson, Jonathan Fitzgerald, Nelson Knight, Nicholas Moore, Monica Schwartz, Timothy Stevens, Sara Anderson, Daniel Riley, Bryan Pearson, Vernon Manning, Tara Warren, Cynthia Duncan, Thomas Jennings, Raymond Williams, Jason Simmons, Donald Campbell, Julie Stevens, Jessica Vargas, Brett Williams, Henry Graves, Eugene Freeman, Helen Hill, Joseph Brown, Jeremy Clark, Peter Moran, Melissa Tucker, Betty Jenkins, John Porter, Willie Johnson, Matthew Taylor, Jorge Williams, Margaret Thomas, Rose McKinney, Barbara Flores, Louise Fuller, Rosa Jones, William Matthews, Sherry Rodriquez, Willie Owens, Cory Robbins, Lawrence Gibson, Lorraine Jones, Richard Davis, Valerie Saunders, Robert Gonzalez, Valerie Smith, Shelly Miller, Pamela Lane, Joe Stone, John Bridges, Charlie Williams, James Ortiz, Amanda Washington, Christopher James, Grace Freeman, Sherry Schmidt, Julia Little, Bonnie Davis, Scott Ray, Anna McKenzie, Jonathan Matthews, Martha Green, Michelle Baldwin, Gerald Elliott, Jon Gonzales, Alberto Daniels, Betty Elliott, Jaime Watts, Karen Lopez, Sylvia Patton, Brenda Rivera, Walter Stanley, Eileen Johnson, Betty Wilson, Florence Snyder, William Barton, Richard Ford, Randall Reed, Christopher Montgomery, Linda Martinez, Richard Rivera, Diana Thomas, Lloyd Duncan, Arlene Bates, Gloria Smith, Roger Ward, John Bradley, Lena Lewis, Patricia Jones, James Edwards, Howard Hammond, Jeremy Lee, Ashley Patton, Donald Woods, Jimmy Andrews, Michael Obrien, Christopher Williams, Kristina Richardson, Jordan Anderson, Frank James, Annette Freeman, Cheryl Smith, Darryl Lucas, Wallace Vega, Christine Barnett, Melissa Robinson, Karen Welch, Chris Smith, Ruth Fuller, Dale Jackson, Sarah Gardner, Valerie Thomas, Dennis Simon, Charles Sanders, Mary Wilson, Ethel Moreno, Annie Allen, Donald Hamilton, Charles Morgan, Clara Williams, Mary Anderson, Richard Anderson, David Morrison, Michael Fletcher, Richard Murray, Carolyn Morris, Amanda Luna, John Barton, Kathleen Cunningham, William Lee, Ernest Mills, Christine Medina, Rosa Moore, Sue Nelson, Douglas White, Robin James, Jennifer Mendez, Charles Martin, Carol Harris, Brenda Cooper, John Collins, John Ramirez, Linda Owens, Michael Flores, Leonard Flowers, Sandra Weber, Angel Harris, Barbara Smith, Jonathan Smith, Michele Cobb, Melissa Nelson, Michelle Rhodes, Allen Young, Joseph Anderson, Denise Blake, Linda Lewis, Judy Jackson, John Byrd, Judith Rowe, Irma Cannon, Brandon Baker, Judith Martin, Patricia Frazier, Michael Washington, Scott Price, Linda Campbell, Laurie Roberts, Robert Doyle, Irene Miller, Jane Johnson, Rachel Schmidt, Sherri Lee, Albert James, Helen Stephens, Frank Boyd, Kevin Austin, Linda Lee, Timothy Tyler, Paul Davis, Dorothy Simpson, Joel Thomas, James Taylor, Ryan Nelson, Don Brooks, Bertha Reynolds, Marcus Ruiz, Anne Baker, Jessica Watts, Cynthia Douglas, Stacey Harmon, Bruce Cannon, Lorraine Welch, Brian Edwards, Janice Gilbert, Michael Garrett, Michael Holt, Frank Jacobs, Alma Wilson, Allan Gonzalez, Nancy Rogers, Sally Hart, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Martinez, Emma Warren, Sandra Walker, Lee Schmidt, Edward Doyle, Bernard Griffith, Maria Martinez, Thomas Bowen, Andrew Luna, Martha Cunningham, Manuel Davis, Melvin Gutierrez, Wayne Robinson, Donna Horton, Connie Miller, Dennis Jones, Deborah Farmer, Ashley Jones, Robert Thompson, Jose Smith, Derrick Jordan, Joseph Lopez, Cynthia Williams, Susan Smith, Frederick Lyons, Elaine Morris, Fernando Price, Anita Hale, Travis Carson, Paul Martinez, Marjorie Gonzalez, Thomas McGee, James Smith, Mary Jones, Mary Aguilar, Ruby Curtis, Stanley Taylor, Andrew Smith, Willie Thompson, Brent Ryan, Anthony Torres, Kathy Hart, Kevin Williams, Mary Hawkins, Lisa Scott, Maria Armstrong, David Harris, Marshall Nguyen, Matthew Taylor, Terri McLaughlin, Luis Johnson, Mary Allen, Albert Cook, Steven Love, Kenneth Shaw, Stacy Parker, Richard Wallace, Robert Edwards, Grace Carter, Donna Adams, Heather Edwards, Brad Long, Gina Baker, Dora Rogers, Frank Burgess, Matthew Stevenson, Stephen Turner, Jason Harvey, Kathleen Alvarez, Joan Quinn, Troy Lane, Seth Patterson, Randall Taylor, Rachel Sharp, Kenneth Vaughn, Thomas Barnes, Cheryl Davis, Paul Carr, Cynthia Powers, Brandon Miles, Nancy White, Howard Perry, Barbara Andrews, Ralph Anderson, Darren Mullins, Allen Young, Rhonda Yates, Francis Gardner, Edward Bryan, Maria Gonzalez, Wayne Harper, Jeffery Perez, Robert Green, Bonnie Kim, Charles Bell, Bertha Mitchell, Joel Goodman, Robert Simmons, Bobby Flores, Jack Carroll, Bill Cox, Joseph Jones, Todd Summers, Edward Johnson, Kathy Baker, Brett Griffith, James Gilbert, Alma Harrison, James Lucas, Brenda Wilson, Joseph Jackson, Dorothy Smith, Jesus Lewis, Jesus Thornton, Kyle Sims, Patrick Moody, Judy Harris, Lloyd Stanley, Derrick Crawford, Kenneth Mitchell, Carl Thomas, Clifton Allen, James Ward, William Schwartz, Shannon Wood, James Garner, Barbara Campbell, Elizabeth Wheeler, Robert Brown, Louis Soto, Thomas Bishop, Jason Wheeler, Leo Hernandez, Jennifer Lopez, Frances Evans, David Nguyen, Billy Garcia, Marie McDonald, Joyce Robinson, Teresa Harvey, Kim Smith, Karen Fleming, David Johnson, Judy Young, James Johnson, Matthew Martinez, Monica Torres, Betty Abbott, James Warren, Carol Jones, Julian Miles, Anita Page, Allan Patterson, Michelle Hughes, Shirley Wong, Lucy Holland, Katherine Williams, James Love, Ruben Peters, Rebecca Medina, Joseph Wilson, Adam Ruiz, Robert Bennett, Antonio Buchanan, Tonya Ford, Claire Cannon, Gerald Walker, Philip Buchanan, Frances Vasquez, Elizabeth Brown, Josephine Robinson, Shirley Hernandez, Patricia Ramirez, Steven Simon, Nancy Smith, William Perez, Margaret Williams, Michael Morris, Arnold Sanchez, Kristina Lee, Victor Brady, Judith White, Edgar Walker, Robert Wilson, Milton Patton, Diana Brown, James Quinn, Derrick Colon, Bobbie Long, Keith Hunter, William Martinez, Charles Houston, Victoria Cole, Jane Roberts, Norma Kim, Alice Lopez, Amanda Wilson, Emma Daniels, Gary Mendez
