Highway Patrol Officer Pulled Over On DUI Charge

Lieutenant Deborah Pierce, a California Highway Patrol officer working for the Bakersfield division, was pulled over and arrested on drunk driving charges while driving on Highway 99. The officer, who wrecked her car, did not hurt any others while on the road. News reports state that she will face misdemeanor DUI charges. There is no word yet on whether Pierce, who has served with the CHP for over 17 years, will be stripped of her CHP position.
Pierce isn’t the only Highway Patrol officer who has faced legal heat for driving under the influence in recent years. In late 2006, a high-ranking Division Assistant Chief was arrested on DUI charges. He had been a long-time advocate of DUI education and ending California drunk driving. Maples was given administrative leave after his arrest.

Unfortunately, California’s Highway Patrol is no stranger to questionable behavior by high-ranking officials. But Pierce’s pullover goes to show that nobody is exempt from California’s hard-hitting DUI laws. Though administrative leave or loss of job is a real possibility for Pierce, that’s just the tip of the iceberg for how a DUI can affect your long- and short-term prospects.

Not only does a DUI endanger your freedom by potentially costing you your license, but it can cost you over time by adding a mark to your permanent record, raising insurance rates, costing money in penalties and fines, and even requiring imprisonment. That’s why it’s so important to consult with an experienced DUI attorney as soon as you’re charged with DUI. The right DUI lawyer knows the system and can defend you capably and aggressively.

Neil Shouse & Associates have what it takes to defend your DUI. Interested in a free consultation? Time is of the essence. Call us today for more information on how we can preserve your right to drive and get you out of a sticky DUI situation.

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