Drunk Driving Fatalities

Arrested for drunk driving USA

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Since 1982, drunk driving deaths on our nation's roadways have decreased 48 percent , while overall traffic fatalities have dropped almost 18 percent. Among men under 21, drunk driving deaths have decreased 80 percent. In spite of this progress, we have more work to do, and our dedication to get rid of drunk driving is more powerful than ever. Hardcore drunk drivers are still wreak havoc on the country's street accounting for 70 percent of drunk driving deaths, in which there's a famous alcohol-test end result for the driver  a tendency which has remained relatively unchanged for at least a decade.
Our country map permits you to examine and examine individual nation drunk driving and under 21 drinking data and find out how they compare to the national tendencies. Also available to download and discuss is our Condition of Drunk Driving Fatalities from America summary including graphs and tables summarizing the most recent information available on drunk driving fatality figures.
In 2017, the speed of alcohol-impaired driving deaths per 100,000 inhabitants was 3.3, representing a 64% reduction since 1982, when record keeping began, along with a 47% reduction since the beginning of this Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility in 1991.
Alcohol-impaired driving deaths accounted for 29 percent of the entire vehicle traffic deaths in 2017. Between 1991 and 2017, the speed of drunk driving deaths per 100,000 inhabitants has diminished 47% nationwide, and 68% among the under 21. These figures and many others are positive signs of the profits being forced to combat drunk driving.

One of the people killed in those drunk driving crashes, 67 percent (7,052) were in crashes where at least one driver in the crash had a BAC of .15 or greater.
